To ease the burden on the Housing Chairperson, the housing duties have been divided into four areas.
The four shifts are Wednesday evening, Thursday evening, Sunday morning, and Sunday afternoon.
- The Wednesday evening shift starts about 5:30 pm on Wednesday evening and meets outside the Agape room. The main responsibility is to set-up all the rooms that will be used for the weekend. This includes clearing the rooms out and then setting up beds, tables, etc where appropriate.
- The Thursday evening shift starts about 5:00 pm on Thursday evening and meets near the registration area. This is known as the "valet service" and basically takes the pilgrim's luggage and bedding to the sleeping area.
- The Sunday morning shift starts about 6:30 am on Sunday morning and meets outside the Agape room. The main responsibility is to put the sleeping areas back together for the church to use. This includes putting beds away and setting rooms back the way they were before Wednesday.
- The Sunday afternoon shift starts about 4:00 pm on Sunday and meets in the Fellowship Hall at Normandy and the main entrance lobby at Sulphur Grove UMC. The main responsibility is to put the conference room and break areas back together for the church to use. This includes putting tables away and setting rooms back the way they were before Wednesday.
Volunteer by signing up at Gathering, calling the chair, or using SignUp Genius: